CROWNWeb Reference Documents

The CROWNWeb historical reference documents listed below provide the logic and business rules for the CROWNWeb dataset replaced by the EQRS system in November 2020.

The original Kidney Data Dictionary (KDD) was replaced by the ESRD Quality Reporting System Data Dictionary (EDD) in 2018 and can be located at the following website. The new data dictionary offered more detail regarding conditional logic and clearer definitions of the field values for both the manual data entry and the electronic data interchange methods for CROWNWeb.

The newer dictionary does not provide the detail related to what fields are required and optional as the Kidney Data Dictionary provided for the CROWNWeb Schema for the xml files. Therefore, the KDD has been maintained for vendor and dialysis organization reference.

Download the most frequently requested tables from the Appendix section of the KDD (provided in an Excel format) for use when developing EMR capability for producing the CROWNWeb xmls.

CROWNWeb Schema Information

CROWNWeb Schema provides the file format and business rule content for each version of CROWNWeb database releases. Schema releases include a delta outlining changes to file format or business rules, updated data error codes and other relevant information for the release. Listed below are all the Schemas released since the national roll-out in 2012.

Note: Effective March 1, 2019, the CROWNWeb Patient Reporting Measure schema and transaction was discontinued by CMS.

Current Documents
Historical Documents