
Submitting patient and clinical data to EQRS through the Renal Healthcare HIE is cost-effective and efficient. CMS creates a wide variety of reports (distributed by the Renal Healthcare HIE) for renal dialysis organizations that provide quality and data submission information.

Renal Healthcare HIE EQRS Certification for EHR Vendors

The Renal Healthcare HIE facilitates a process for electronic health record (EHR) vendors to become certified to electronically submit data to the EQRS (formerly CROWNWeb) repository through the Renal Healthcare HIE. This certification demonstrates the vendor has the technical capability to support this process and once certification is obtained may promote this capability as a feature of their software.

The certification process consists of several preparation and testing steps to submit production data to EQRS through the Renal Healthcare HIE. This process includes:

  • Preparing data files to meet the EQRS format and business rules requirements
  • Testing for conformance
  • Testing for data content and business rule compliance
  • Connectivity and end-to-end testing

EQRS Form 2728 Changes - March 2024

In March 2024, CMS released the information below for use in testing the changes related to the 2023 ESRD MEDICAL EVIDENCE REPORT MEDICARE ENTITLEMENT AND/OR PATIENT REGISTRATION (2728) form. This information is to be used only for testing at this time. Information for the changes to Form 2728 released in January 2024 are also provided below for reference.


The EQRS MEDREC xml files were provided by CMS and released in January 2024. Documents contained in the EQRS Reference Documents section below have been updated as well for new documents released in January 2024.

EQRS Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) Reference Documents

The EQRS reference documents posted below are provided by CMS for updates to the PTH reporting. This information was released by CMS in July 2022. The documents include an EQRS data dictionary, error codes list, and an XSD and sample xml file.

EQRS Vaccination Reference Documents

The EQRS reference documents posted below are provided by CMS for the Vaccination EQRS report file. This information was released by CMS in April 2022. The documents include a Vaccination Data Guide, vaccination report XSD and sample files, and updated EQRS data dictionary and error codes for development reference. The vaccine information is on a new tab in the Excel spreadsheet EQRS data dictionary and error codes documents. Also provided is a document containing questions raised by the Renal Healthcare HIE vendor community regarding the new vaccination report and responses from CMS.

EQRS Nursing Home and Telemedicine Reference Documents

The EQRS reference documents posted below are provided by CMS for the addition of Nursing Home and Telemedicine information in EQRS data files. This addition was released by CMS in October 2021 and is ready for use by the EQRS system. The documents include updated EQRS error codes, data dictionary, XSDs and test files for development reference.

EQRS Reference Documents

The EQRS reference documents posted below are provided by CMS for the new EQRS system launched in November 2020. The documents include the EQRS XSDs, a data dictionary and data error codes listing for the data submission files.

CROWNWeb Reference Documents

The CROWNWeb reference documents listed at this link, provide the historical schemas and business rules for the CROWNWeb system that was replaced by EQRS in November 2020.